I'll Set Off On A New Chase

Oct 09, 2007 00:03

So, the Supernatural premiere was awesome. But you know, it’s Supernatural, so I wasn’t expecting anything mind blowing. Dean is such an ass munch. Srsly. What a selfish, arrogant dick wipe. And I was expecting more from the demons or whatever but they were kind of boring. But yeah, all in all, it was quite entertaining. And Sammy was adorable, as usual. And the mad karatey skillz wer sexay.

I got skate. for the Xbox 360 on Friday, and it’s awesome. It makes me want to be skater, kind of, but that ain’t ever going to happen. I can’t even move on a board, let alone kick flip and shit like that. So no (real) skating for me.

Ann-Marie told me she’s planning to move to Cardiff with Joe sometime next year, and they invited me to go too. I’m not treating it as anything serious now though, I keep finking she only invited me so I wouldn’t get upset or something. But yeah. Whatever. I might be moving house soon anyway, although it’s only up the road to be closer to the school because my mom’s too fucking lazy to leave the house at 8:30 to take my brother.

I’m reading this clichéd book about “a sassy single Londoner who has to choose between the jobless, but gorgeous Nick, and the rich but not that great looking Jay.” How gay does that sound? Lol. I’m only a few chapters in but the main character seems like a bitch. Tbh, she doesn’t deserve either of them. She’s all like “OMGZ! He lives in a shithole. But the (straight) sex is amazing.” Whutevar. Since when is sex good enough to hold a relationship? If it were me, I’d marry the rich guy and fuck the cute one all the time. But that’s just me, I’m weird like that.

Oh, and I’m gonna go back to college and finish my hairdressing course. Except this time I’m gonna go full time so I can’t get fired. The last bitch was yeah, a bitch so no more of that shit. I said I’d post icons soon but I’m gonna add some of the new SPN ones so another time fer sure.

supernatural, me, ass munch dean, random, skate, the magnificent seven

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