100 questions, apparentley ¬¬

Oct 01, 2007 03:49

Bored, so...

1. How old will you be in five years? Um, 24.
2. Who did you spend at least three hours with yesterday? My brother.
3. How tall are you? I didn’t care to check, never do.
4. What are you looking forward to most in the next six weeks? Going out and stuff, nothing major going on.
5. What’s the last movie you watched? Creep, OMG. Weird.
6. Who’s the last person you called? I don’t have a phone, but I spoke to this guy on the Xbox. On the real phone, Tina.
7. Who was the last person to call you? Nikki, at Biscom.
8. Who was the last person to text you? Gosh, like I said I don’t have a phone so fuck knoes. Probs Ann-Marie.
9. Do you prefer to call or text? Text.
10. Any pets? Two dogs, whom I hate like hell.
11. Are you parents married? No, I wish, but no. I’m not a nice person, I only wish they mere married so we’d be RICH!
12. What planet do you like? Duh, Earth.
13. What are you wearing now? Skinny jeans and a white top with a lion on it. Rawr.
14. What’s your fave Xmas song? Rudolph man.
15. Where is your favourite place to be? Here, at home.
16. Where is your least favourite place to be? Dad’s house, he sucks major bum.
17. Where would you go right now if you could go anywhere? I’d go to Brighton.
18. What did you fear as a child? The graveyard, which I could see from my window.
19. Who was the last person that really made you laugh? Laugh? Whadat? :P.
20. How many TV’s are in your house? 7.
21. How big is your bed? Quite big, I fink it’s a double but a lil smaller.
22. Do you have a laptop or desktop? Desk, and it sucks.
23. Do you sleep with or without clothes? With, I think it’s weird when people sleep naked and then walk past you in the morning with their bits flapping and stuff.
24. How many pillows do you sleep with? Three.
25. What is your fave season? Summer, yeah.
26. What do you like about it? The sun, and how everyone is so awesome all the time. Like, Srsly. Even the bastards.
27. What do you like about winter? Christmas.
28. What do you like about the fall? The fall? That’s Autumn right? Um, nothing rele.
29. What do you like about Spring? Again, nothing. Oh, that Summer’s coming.
30. How many states have you lived in? 1.
31. How many cities/towns have you lived in? 1, but been around inside it quite a bit.
32. Shoes, socks or barefeet? Socks, always.
33. Do you like wearing jeans? I always wear them.
34. What was the last fing you ate? Lion bar, not that nice.
35. What is your fave restaurant? Um, McDonald’s. Lol.
36. Longest car trip? Dunno, don’t go in cars that much. I’m a bus person.
37. What’s your favorite ice cream? B&J Vanilla.
38. Soup? Minestrone, the pasta fings are well bum.
39. What kind of jelly do you like with PB on sandwhiches? That’s disgusting, we don’t rele have them here. Fank god, XD.
40. Do you like Chinese food? Yeah, sometimes.
41. Do you like coffee? I have no idea how anyone can like that shit. It tastes the nasty.
42. How many glasses of water a day do drink? Not much, but I always have a glass at bed.
43. What do you drink in the morning? Water, from the night before. Lol.
44. Sleep with someone or alone? Depends.
45. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? No, I wiggle.
46. Do you know how to play poker? No.
47. Do you like to cuddle? Not really, depends who it is.
48. Have you ever been to Canada? Canada, no.
49. Do you have an addictive personality? Sometimes.
50. Do you eat at home or out more often? Home.
51. What is your favourite cheese? Those lil Dairylee Dunker fings are well nice.
52. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Yeah.
53. Do you want kids? I dunno, hard to explain.
54. Do you speak any other languages? Yes, I talk shit quite often.
55. Have you ever gotten stitches? Yes.
56. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? No.
57. Do you prefer the ocean or the pool? The sea.
58. Window seat or an aisle seat? Window.
59. Do you know how to drive stick? Depends on who’s stick it is, lmao. Car, no.
60. What do you spend money on? Drinks and fags and stuff.
61. Do you wear jewellery? No, never.
62. What is your fave TV show? Rite now, Battlestar baby.
63. Can you roll your tongue? Yeah.
64. Who is the funniest person you know? Me.
65. Do you sleep with teddies and stuff? No, although I have a nice Zippy (or whatever his name is, Bungle’s friend, lol.)
66. What is the ringtone on your phone? I don’t have a phone.
67. Do you still have clothes from when you were lil? Um, how should I know. I’m not that gay.
68. What red object is closest to you right now? A lighter.
69. Do you speak with your closet doors open or closed? I don’t have a closet in here.
70. Would you rather be attacked by a bear or bees? A bear.
71. Would you rather fight a chimp or a badger? A chimp, I could probs tempt him with some chocolate or summat.
72. What do you dip chicken nuggets in? Garlic and BBQ.
73. Can you change the oil in a car? No.
74. Have you ever got a speeding ticket? No,
75. Have you ever run out of gas? WTF? NO! I DON’T HAVE A CAR!
76. What is your usual bedtime? Dude, like, four to six AM.
77. What was the last book you read? Loveless.
78. Do you read the newspaper? Yeah, the tabs.
79. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? GAY PORNE! Nah, none.
80. Do you sleep with the lights on? No.
81. Do you watch Soaps? Um, just Hollyoaks (for the gayz.)
82. Do you dance in the car? Um, who does that?
83. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? Fuck off, cunt. But I was just joking.
84. What is your fave candle scent? No idea. I have straight candles, :D.
85. What is your fave board game? None rele.
86. How would you describe Pop Up Pirate or Buckaroo? Um, a gay donkey and a gay pirate that bum each other and go pop and stuff? Dunno.
87. When was the last time you attended church? Never, but I used to go to JoHo meetings with my nan when I was little.
88. Who of your friends have you know the longest? I’ve known Ann-Marie and Danielle both the same amount. So about 14 years.
89. What is the longest you’ve camped out in a tent? Just a weeked with the most stooped people evar.
90. Did you realise that you just completed a 100 question survey? Eh? This is 90 questions. NEWB!

meme, me, random, no icons

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