OMG, I just finished Bioshock. I am amazing.
The greatest game experience of all time. In fact, it’s greater than most movies and books and TV shows and hot guys put together. It’s just special. Okay, maybe it’s not as hot as these two:
but it’s still pretty damn sexy. I wouldn’t say it’s worth buying an Xbox for though. Nothing is worth that HELL! Seriously, you only have to touch one and it falls to bits. I am now on my second 360, and I am in no doubt that this one will break too.
And the geekiness does not end there my friends. Oh no. I am now the proud owner of Battlestar Galactica on DVD. And I fucking love it. Apollo is well fit and I actually want to have sex with Starbuck. And she’s a woman now! Oh lord.
And on the real life front? Bouncers fucking suck. I mean, do I look 15 to you? And my friend has massive boobs and she deffo doesn’t look 15. Just because Canal decides to close for one night. WTF? The Planet can kiss my ass, it is a fucking shithole. And there’s this foreign dude who is way cute. That makes two of us, duuuude.