You Wanna Party, Baby?

Aug 09, 2007 08:21

Sniff, so I don’t usually post any fandom stuff other than icons, but I just have to. It’s been a roller coaster journey, but now I can (proudly) say that I have seen all six season’s of the mightily fantastic Oz. And I have come to the conclusion that it is possibly (probably) the best thing I have ever seen.

I knew I’d like the show before I even started watching it, since somebody linked me to a Beecher/Keller video on Youtube. And OMG! They are the most sexiest men alive. Seriously, on screen (and maybe off, ;) they just seem to sizzle when they’re around each other, and I’m guessing if I had ovaries they’d probably be a mushy mess right now. But alas, I do not.

I do have one quarrel though. A lot of people didn’t like season six, but I actually enjoyed all the mushy stuff. The only problem with it, was the finale. OMG!AREYOUSRS? You can’t just kill of one half of the best relationship on TV maybe evar like that. In fact, you can’t kill them off full stop. Especially when it’s Christopher (OMGIMGOINBALDBUTIMSTILLFRAKKINHOT) Meloni! I actually felt sick watching that scene, but I couldn’t look away. The way Toby stopped him going back into the pod? What a fool. If it was me, I’d have just been like “Um, okie. Let’s just forget all that crazy shit and go inside and have bumsex, plzkthx?”

Also, am I the only one that had a bit of a thing for Schillinger?

And OMG, Alvarez getting a bit of guy action from that other crazy eye dude? And we didn’t even see it!? Dude, not cool. You can’t just string me along for six seasons, hoping and praying for a bit of gay stuff, and then cut away after like, two seconds. Not cool at all. And the other dude was fucking sexy. But srsly, a virgin? W/E. And I loved the way he was screaming in that woman’s face when she got that acid. Lol. Gayboy’s on crack? Best TV ever!

But all in all, when Toby got offered the deal to get out of Oz, I actually wanted him to rat Keller out. Back in the old days (or last week at least) I was like, K/B 4EVZ, but now I’m like, Toby, run away. Far away! God, Keller was fucked up. Did he love him though? I think he dide, in his own sick, twisted way. I just wish the ride could have been a bit more sweeter, you know? Like, Six Feet Under type gay sex scenes. They didn’t have any. I bet they would have, you know. I bet those guys were praying every time they got the scripts “Please god, let’s have a really graphic sex scene.” While everyone else is getting raped by cutlery and whatnot, those two get a bit of a kiss and cuddle? NOT. GOOD. ENOUGH.

Anyway, I’m going. Oh, but first. I just saw my two dogs having sex! Urg, srsly, it’s gross. I think I’m scarred for life. Dogs just don’t do that. They just don’t. Also, I only just found out that T.R Knight is a fag. It’s okay, I’m allowed to say that. But dude, that just makes me love him even more. Maybe I’m shallow, but yeah. Let’s have some gay sex on Grey’s Anatomy, maybe between George and Mark. Hmm, that would be wonderful. Plzkthxgodmakeithappen. Or writers. Whatever. In fact, let’s have gay sex on EVERY SHOW. Damon, Carlton - hope you’re reading. Give us smutty boyloving Matthew Fox plz.

fandom, lost, grey's anatomy, random, musings, oz, matthew fox

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