Apr 11, 2007 09:34

The most embarrasing thing happened to me last night. *blushes*

I didn't sleep at all on Monday night (my sleeping patterns are messed up, lol) so last night I went to sleep about six o'clock. I had the weirdest dream ever, that I was asleep in someone elses house lol, and I woke up like a second later still thinking I was in someone elses house.So I got out of bed and just ran out of the house, and like halfway around the block unti I realised I was just dreaming.

I started walking back and there was this huge group of boys I know and they were just like "wtf? why did you just run past us like a freak?" and I just flipped and screamed "IS A PERSON NOT ALLOWED TO RUN ABOUT IN JUST THEIR BOXERS AND A T-SHIRT!?" Lolz, I feel really bad so I'm gonna go and say sorry in a bit. Wow, it was freaking freaky. Like srsly. Worst of all, one of the lads was this guy I'm trying to get to realise that he's gay (he is gay, I know ;)) and I bet now he's just like "omg I'm scared".

On another (less crazy) note, I got my computer fixed so it's bye-bye spyware and hello fastness. Yayz! Oh, and I made a new header for my user info so check it out and tell me what you think, k? It's Doctor Who,because I am srsly loving that show right now. kthxbye.

dream, stoopid, doctor who, me, ?, silly

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