Should've checked the pulse!!!

Apr 01, 2007 18:31

Oh my god. I had the weirdest time last night. Me and my friend Ann-Marie decided to go out on the piss. We made a plan to go to the Canal Club (emo and alternative stuff, :p) but we met one of her friends in town. She was having a house party and she asked me to go because her gay friends wanted to see me. ?.

I only went because I was hoping one of them would be cute, but they weren’t my type really. They were all really, well, gay. And the only people I’m interested in are kind of straight, lolz.

Anyway, the flat where the party was was kind of one of them trendy ones. And there were DRAG QUEENS everywhere. Lol. I like to think I can handle a lot of stuff but it was so surreal. I’m pretty sure someone felt me up, which was nice (:D) but I was so pissed I couldn’t really tell. By two I couldn’t even stand up straight, outside I kept falling over. Luckily Ann-Marie wasn’t as drunk as I was, and I’m pretty sure she saved me from some foreign dude.

I also kind of remember mouthing off to the taxi driver on the way home. Because we were drunk he was trying to charge us TWENTY QUID for a five minute journey, thinking we wouldn’t notice. They all do it, the thieves. Lol. I checked the meter thing and it said seven pound but somehow I don’t think we paid. No one swindles us.

Anyway, I just wanted to post so you don’t think I’m dead or anything. I don’t usually post stuff about myself but I thought I would anyway, because I don’t have any new icons yet.
 Today’s pic is of the fantastic Mister Locke, who I believe is everything Lost is about. Without Locke Lost would be shit, FACT. Tell me what you think of the pic. I was trying something different and I might use the effect on some icons or something. Thanks for reading, if ya did.

lost, me, party, locke, smexy, no icons

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