nip/tuck goes gay. Brett goes yay!!!

Jan 11, 2007 11:02

So I’m back from my (shitty) holiday, and I just want to wish everyone a happy new year and hope you had a nice Christmas. Did you get the Foxies after all? I know I did, :p.

Anyway, I’ll explain the cons of the holiday later. Here’s what I got from my friend mister Santa:

An Xbox 360 (because I rock, basically.)

Dead Rising (omfg, I love it. Frank is hot, lol.)

Nintendo DS Black Lite (it hypnotises me with its shiny looks.)

Yoshi’s Island (aww.)

Animal Crossing: Wild World (again I say aww.)

Lots of clothes (emo, emo, emo.)

Oh, and my holiday (?)

Not much to say on that, oh, other than the fact that I TOTALLY FUCKING HATED IT. Before you brand me a holiday hating freakazoid, let’s consider the facts, shall we.

First of all, I live with my mom and my seven brothers, who I can just about live with on a good day. I went on holiday with my dad and the only one of my brothers who I can consider a “full brother” (as in we have the same mom AND dad.) It was living hell.

At first I thought it’d be okay, but all my dad ever says to me are insults. One night it was “your hair looks gay” (no shit) and another night it was “I can’t believe my son is gay” in front of EVERY one on the pub. Not that I care, but still. Gah, I hate him. That might seem pale, but it was literally insults coming in left right and centre. I could hardly breathe.

But it’s okay now, because I’m back. And I am totally fucking obsessed with Dead Rising. Oh my god, everyone must play this game. I might be sounding like an ad but I honestly mean it. You must get it. Go now. Now.

Oh, and one last thing. In one the bars, I saw a commercial for the latest series of Nip/Tuck. I turned off last series after the whole Carver fiasco (what a waste of time, I never thought it would be the new doctor who pops up out of nowhere) went ass up, but according to the advert Christian is going gay. Oh my god, yay! Gay Christian. And with the hot guy from that one lame Buffy episode. It really is Christmas. See ya peeps.

nip/tuck, dead rising, holiday, random, gay, christmas, no icons

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