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Dec 04, 2008 23:20

So classes for next year. Glad I got into all of these and kind finally fulfill my lab science requirement in a fun and educational way!

Hispanic Presence in US: M W 10:30 am-11:50 am
Five Latin American Poets: M W 3:00 pm- 4:20 pm
Backyard Ecology: T R 10:30 am-11:50 am (with lab on Tuesday afternoon)
Toward (A)Moral Fiction: R 1:30 pm- 3:50 pm

I feel like it's copping out that both of my Latin American Studies classes are with the same professor but her classes are the most interesting so whatever (and also she likes me?). I'm also excited about the Amoral Fiction class because even though I'm technically taking it because I need another lit class, it mostly covers contemporary authors (which I am SO ready for) and the teacher is reported to be wonderful.

Only two weeks left.
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