How this meme works:
I've asked Slimequeen to ask me five questions of her choosing about myself, which I've answered here. If anyone wants me to ask them questions, do so in the comments to this post. I'll leave my questions for you there, and you answer them in your journals.
Slimequeen's questions )
Comments 2
1) Do you fear being quoted, or look forward to it? OFMGWTH WHY NOT?!?! D< D<
2) Would you rather live in a country where citizens have limited political and economic freedoms but are governed in a fair, responsible way, or a fully free society with an out-of-control government responsible to nobody?
3) What's wrong with kids today? Nothing? Anything? Everything?
4) What's your favourite type of anime? Your least favourite? What about it do you like/dislike?
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