Oct 31, 2004 12:28
Horray for Devil's Night:
My all time favorite holiday has finally arrived. Not because I trick or treat, (I'm a little too old), but because it's the only time of year when I don't feel out of place. Normally I host a huge halloween party, but since I'm not in college anymore...that idea went out the window this year. Not to mention..I work all freaking weekend.
I got two costumes for two parties. Tomorrow during work, I'm a bar wench. That's right. A corset and all is part of my costume. That should be fun. Monday night even though it's past Halloween, Outback is having their costume party. Gotta love our patrons that open up their bowling alley just for us at 11:30pm. Free games of bowling all night, and all we have to pay for is the alcohol. Yay! Drunk bowling even better. ;)
Okay back to Halloween as a holiday. I used to hold free tarot card readings in my room during college once I learned how to read. Friends would come over just to have their cards read. Like I said before, it was the only time I wasn't weird for reading cards. It was like it was expected of me.
Funny thing is with Halloween being today, I'm going to church. Going to church on Halloween doesn't sound right at all. Even funnier...it's Reformation Sunday. You know the church holiday that celebrates the hanging of Martin Luther's 95 Thesis on the church door. Yeah...totally funny. But that's not for another 10 hours.
So I kinda tried out my new attitude adjustment at work tonight and said "No" a couple of times. People were thrown off by it. I quite enjoyed throwing people and friends off balance. The neatest thing I found was that it wore onto another employee, and she totally bitched out the dish washer in the middle of the ToGo room. I sat there laughing afterwards. I'm like, Go Girl!! Well he deserved it anyways. He actually thought us ToGo people stand around all night and do nothing. Hello...I'm $87 richer cause I ran my ass off all night. What makes it even better, I just figured it out..I made $16.13 an hour tonight. Show me some typing job that pays better than that!!!!
I was reading a friend's diary and they mentioned how "Dreary Erie" is upon us. I have to agree totally. There aren't much leaves left on the trees after tonight's wind, which means barren trees. I looked on the weather channel and guess what? For the next week and a half or so, it's supposed to be cloudy and raining the entire time. They're right...I do get more cleaning during the month of November than any other time. Bright side: It was in the middle 70's today. Too bad, it's now 55 degrees out and won't ever get back up to the 60's the rest of the week.