Jan 07, 2007 02:25
Whatever is Whatever.
This has been a phrase that has been tossed around especially in the last couple of days by one of my friends. He lives by it. To me, it's a pretty heavy phrase to live by. I'm not exactly sure why it's bothering me now. But my mind wants to wrap itself around it and tear it apart for some reason. Feel free to leave comments on what you think about this phrase...
Just wanted to let you all know what I was thinking about at 2:27am early Sunday morning.
Yes, another night out on the town. Hmm..Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and now Saturday night. And, I'm prolly going out tonight (Sunday) as well. But I promise, not for very long..this chickie has to get up at 7am for the new job! :)
whatever is whatever