Massage and Stuff

Oct 31, 2006 01:41

I seem to remember that when I get a massage, I tend to hurt more afterwards than when I went into to get it. Does that make sense?

I guess the lady really had issues with my shoulders and neck. She spent most of the session there. I'm also trying to remember if after my last massage, did I get a migraine... Hmm. It's really amazing the stuff we put our bodies through and live with everyday. I have two more coupons to use in the coming months, so I think I'm going to try and make this a once-a-month thing.

It's the weirdest feeling when you can feel the massage therapist find a knot and move it around so she can work on it better. Ick! Anyways, I'm only hurting in that spot between your shoulder blades and lower neck. The rest of my body feels great. She only found one knot in my left leg. I found it too...I cringed when she hit it. Other than that, it was an interesting day.

Actually it was a beautiful day!

Okay, went off to the massage center. Then, afterwards I went to the huge Halloween store. They didn't have much, but what did I really's the day before Halloween. There were no gypsy costumes, and I tried the medieval route, but all their dresses didn't fit me. I finally settled on this black dress that had a black lace spider web design over top of it. It's a tank top design for the dress, but then there are lace spider web sleeves that are off the shoulder. Sorry, it's hard to describe.

There's a picture of it, minus the necklace. I have my own that I love. After that it was off to the car wash to wash my baby. She hasn't been washed since April?? Even that, didn't get her clean. She still had dirt all over her. Plus, I'm sure it didn't help that I used the highway to get home too. But the worst part is that on my windshield there is pine tree sap. That shit doesn't come off easily.

Then I came home and sat with my kitty. She's sick. She has a bit of a cold because her nose is dripping on occasion and once in a great while she wheezes like she has to throw up a hairball, but nothing comes up. Though her energy and imagination are just fine. She still wants to play at all hours. Her one ear is bothering her alot too. I already knew that was going to happen. She's been treated before I got her for excess wax in her. Though, I'm afraid she'll shake her brain right out of her ear if she does it much more. Mom and I will be tackling her to get her ear cleaned out. She won't let me anywhere near her ear unless I scratch it for her. Ayla and I ended up watching the rest of the House marathon I DVR'd yesterday. 10 hours of's just like owning a season. However, I think I'm missing an episode. The last one they showed was him getting shot and then hallucinating with himself and team, and then the next one I saw was the premier of Season 3 with him running to work and his leg fine.

I got to talk to Sam for awhile tonight. We both still miss each other. We talked about how we're ever going to get to see each other again. Prolly not until way after the holidays. Seems Hollywood Video is open 365 days a year. That's worse than Outback..we're open 363 days a year. I told him how lonely I am and how I don't have any friends around here. I also told him about how unHalloween I am. He couldn't believe it because he knows it's my favorite holiday. It's really hard to have fun at Haloween by yourself. We still haven't brought up the letter I wrote him. I dunno if we ever will.

The rest of the night was spent in front of the tv watching Heroes and WWE Raw. Oh and of course enjoying some Papa Johns. What an exciting life I lead...

ayla, massage, sam

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