Jun 20, 2008 14:20
*Sigh* So me and Calen were talking, like a month ago, how odd it was that we were the two that went on to college, who hold steady good college jobs and were both fairly happy with the friends/family stuff. I mean shit life isn't all Kittens and rainbows, but shiiit! I mean of all the people that I ever knew growing up, the last person I honestly suspected of doing well in college is fucking blasting through it happily even. Calen takes all these interesting classes, I'm taking all the subject matter that I find interesting. Funny thing is I didn't think he'd do well and he's surprised I'm still pounding the books with a boyfriend 200 miles away. Life isn't stressful enough is what I figured, heh. Anyways, were both impressed with each other. Sure we've both pissed each other off and we've both made some really dump decisions, but here we are trucking along through school and work and life.
*sigh* Life.
I don't understand what the rest of you fuckers are doing. The world is getting more and more competitive, I'm afraid my B.A. won't even fucking cut these days. It's like you need a masters in something these days to get anywhere. And here I sit, drinking a latte, getting my summer job practically the same day I search for one, and chillin' the summer out. Planning some party nights, concerts, camping on the coast. Sometimes I wonder what me and Calen did that got us this far. He's enjoying his summer, were planning to hang over the summer, I'm planning on hanging with a few friends over the summer. The odd thing of all, currently of all my friends, I'm the one not taking summer classes. I'm the slacker in the bunch, don't that just make you think? Well actually, I guess Liz, Amanda, Jess aren't taking summer classes. Amanda was planning on it none-the-less. At this rate, if the rest of Y'all keep flunking out, breaking up and getting together, moving all around, and generally not doing well at life, getting a job with my B.A. might be a breeze after all.life