Aug 13, 2004 10:06
hey guys... im at school right now and yeah i have a brophy class 3rd per. so im in the library today and all next week b/c their school isnt in session. stupid boys they always get off easy! lol. anyway.... im excited today b/c its the 1st day of school but im kinda worried b/c yeah. and im not ready. so um... my friend ursula and i are the only two seniors in my all that jazz pop and rock class and today my teacher asked us to go around the room and say our name and something about ourselves and i said "im kelsey and im a senior" it was really funny and all of the other kids were like scared of me! lol little me. my class is full of frosh and sophs so thats probably why!! lol so yeah im excited for the weekend i really need to get my nails done and buy jeans!! anyway. ttyl bitches! i hope ya'll are having a good day!!! love kelsey