Sep 29, 2004 17:36

okay well i gotta update alot so im gonna do it in a whole bunch of different thinggs.

Avalon, New Jersey
9-24 to 9-26

well we drove down to New Jersey 9-24 at around 10ish? and got there around 520. we had to changte into nicer clothes and head to the rehersal dinner. the hotel was frekaing awesome. it reminded me of the hotel from Six Flags. nice. we had to rooms, one for my parents one for us. ajoining too. they both had "porches" one looking at the beach and boy was it beautiful the other looking over the pool and stuff from the hotel. anyways. we barely rehersed hah. so we just ate and talked. it was pretty much just eveyrone seeing each other. anyways. the actual day!! 9-25 in the morning they had "kid olympics" on the beach. it was gorgeous. a beautiful day. i wanted to go in the water but no one would. =/ so we went to the pool. it felt great! then we just hung out til we had to go get ready. i helped give my 5 yrold cuz a bath and did her hair. then had to try to do kendall's. not sucessful. then i had to getr a shower, dry my hair, straighten it and la de da de da. well. i had to get my dress altered at the last minute too. AGH! everyone was late but things did run smoothly. the girls lined up and walked up the beach. i had to hold Olivias hand. she's the cutest little 2 yrold ive ever seen. shes got the curliest hair too. so cute. we met up wiht our "boys" mine was this kid andrew..very shy. we had to sing this song peace3 on earth or soemthign and dove were released. it was beautiful. THE RECEPTION WAS AWESOME! it was so much fun. we danced the whole night and had great food. they taped everything and took lots of pics. it was great. this guy dave was soooo coool. he was so nice and funny. he lives in phili & has a son in 7th, daughter in 7th, & a son in kindergarten. the son was mucho cute. dark hair&tan. the daughter was adopted and pretty and i didnt see the other son but i remember him tlling me about him. i met my dad's cuz lynn. she was really nice. she had 3 kids. two sons and a daughter. the middle child, clayton was in 7th too. he was soooo hott. omg he was gorgeous. very tan, hair like simon's cept it looked like cleaner. hah. anyways it was great. there was a tribute to aunbt ann's mom. it was just an amazing night. BRUNCHHH! 9-26 we got up had brunch and such. it was delicious. they showed a tape of some of the ngiht before. it was awesome. my aunt gave out presents to the kids in the wedding and stuff. i gpot perfume. LUCKY YOU. =D mom tipped her off. it was my other aunts birthday, aunt ann's sister so ann did this thing for her for her birthday. it was soo nice. all in all it was a great weekend. i think i would rather have been there than at homecoming game and crap.

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