Real entry later

Sep 26, 2005 07:52

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bubble wrap:
    Perhaps heaven has rooms full of bubble wrap. That would be swell.
  2. fiddle:
    This instrument is so wonderful. I wish I could play, but for now I'm content to listen and watch. Really, I want fiddles at my wedding. Someone would need to videotape it.
  3. guitar:
    Another attractive instument. I can't play well, but I know a few chords. And that's a start.
  4. love:
    Why the hell did I put this as an interest... Okay, um... I like love. I am a lover of loving love.
  5. old movies:
    They're nice. I like them. Mom gets me a couple of new ones every year for Christmas.
  6. pie:
    Oh har har, how cute am I? I need to update my interests. But yeah, pie is the shit. I enjoy it after meals as a dessert.
  7. saxamaphone:
    Yet ANOTHER attractive instrument. I love brass, and saxaphone is one of my favorites. And I thought it would be cute to spell it like that, I suppose.
  8. standing out:
    I'm a drama kid. We do that.
  9. the aquabats:
    A favorite band of mine. I enjoy them a lot.
  10. vomit kitties:
    Hahaha... this would be an inside joke between me and a friend. All I really have to say is, "WHY GOD WHYYYY?!?!"

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

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