Feb 28, 2006 13:36
I am currently in a bidding war on Ebay...
Who the fuck else but me would want that movie???
In other news (in no particular order):
- Picked up my new computer on Saturday and I'm so fucking excited. Going from 12gig with 128 ram to 80gig with 512. I don't know what to do with all of this space! I loaded all of my programs and games on it and there's like 60gig left - AWESOME. You can be sure I'll be downloading a fuckload of music tonight. My friend who built it also put in great graphics and sound cards so I can pretty much play any game or run any program at the moment. And everything happens instantly! I push a button and whoosh the page\program is there. WOO!
- My birthday was good, Dan took me to the Planetarium and Lightning room at Scienceworks then to dinner. Not much else, but I wanted a quiet one anyway, I'm so over going out I'd pay *not* to go out these days. In a weird twist of fate, after sitting in the same room as generated lightning on my birthday, on Saturday during that huge storm Wendi and I were in the loungeroom - and this streak of lightning zapped down our television and killed Foxtel! Are the elements trying to kill me or just make sure I'm paying attention?
- Work is fantastic, I'm getting praise and even a $500 bonus for work well done. I actually don't hardly mind going there every day and am watching all my moneys stack up *rubs hands* :)
- I'm STILL off the ciggies AND other stuff! It's been about 6 weeks now and I feel GREAT. I never realised that I had so much extra noise in my head, but now that it's gone I'm in this total clarity phase where I can see so many problems and solutions very clearly. It's wonderful :) And with Dan cooking me lots of really healthy dinners I've been feeling pretty damn good lately. I'm needing less sleep and am getting much more done each day. Go me! :P
- Dan and I have decided to move out into our own place in June which is *very* exciting. It sucks that we have to leave our super housemates, but we've been together for that bloody long that we may as well get a wriggle on, as my mum would put it. We want to spend a couple of months in Europe next October too so.... *keeps saving her pennies*
- Shadowsphere is doing really well, had a big order for a girls school formal last week and worked my little fingers to the bone (which isn't difficult). I've done more work on the website although most of you probably won't even notice as it's all little stuff, oh well :) www.shadowsphere.com.au for those interested...
Ok lunch is over, and writing all this is kind of boring for me so I guess it must be boring for you too... I'm over it...
Hope you are all well and stuff. Nobody has probably read this far, if you have well done!! These update posts are mostly for me anyway, to keep track of where my life is at points in time so that I don't stagnate and end up sitting here in 5 years time doing the exact same shit with my life and my self. And how fucking BORING would that be!? There's a lot of stuff out there I wanna reach out and grab!