angels among us. . .

May 16, 2010 20:52

Yesterday  I went to get free stuff and found that I was unable to transport said material home.  It was about a mile away; if I'd been motivated I could have hauled it by foot, I guess.  Someone else was there getting some of the same stuff and offered to drop it off on his way--and did so. I still have to cut the 10 foot boards, but it's amazing how sometimes these things "just happen to work out" like that. I really don't know how I would have gotten the wood otherwise; my budget doesn't allow for boards for a couple of months with my cannery project coming up and

I'm going to plant a square foot garden this year. I have an abundance of tomato plants so far and seeds for lettuce, carrots, and beans. The tomato plants sleep in my house and I kick them out every morning. Same with my herbs. A few herbs are permanent outdoor plants already, but the latest additions are being hardened. Speaking of the wee beasties. . .I should water them. They haven't had a drink since they left the store.

Fidget doesn't seem to understand this "roto-tiller" concept. He's dug a hole in my planted flowerbed and expertly found a weed where a mum plant was supposed to come, but on the southern bed he doesn't want to touch it. I think that's probably a good thing at this point; we found broken glass (and a broken shot glass) in that bed back in the fall when I planted mums chives and strawberries by the roses.

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