"In any moment of decision,
the best thing you can do is the right thing.
The worst thing you can do is nothing."
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)
26th President of the United States
I likes him. I likes his negotiation strategy. I would. :)
Honestly, though. . .did all of the choices have to be rejects from the villages that don't miss them?
About that whole Prop 8 thing. Vote if you can. It's not the legalization of gay/lesbian marriage that's the issue. It's the compromising of parental rights and educational issues that come with the proposition we need to remember. Two separate things being run through one bill. Pretty sneaky, really.
Did you know that to teach in California you must have a teacher's certificate, even to homeschool? How many parents have the time/funds to do this, especially with the economy such that it is?
http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1815820715/bctid1822459319 So, here's the problem. Legalization is one thing. This seems to be quite another.
headdesk. i hates politics. i hates what it does to public education. Have we had someone who graduated top in their class since Teddy Roosevelt, honestly?
But go and vote ye. Coerce better bozos to campaign next time. That's all.