X-Files Rec

Feb 13, 2004 20:33

I'm going through my fic collection, so you can expect some older recs here in the next time.
Today's rec is s story from 1997, a time where I didn't even know about slash.

Jane Mortimer - The Same Everywhere

It's Mulder/Krycek slash, and I won't even try to describe it.
I'm just going to give you some quotes.

"besides, he had a strong feeling Scully would object if he told her he was considering being possessed by a viscous liquid creature from beyond the stars. She was funny that way."

"where perverts of all sorts were drawn to him as though they were the vacuum cleaner and he was a dustball. Alien bodysnatchers, mysterious killers without a past, sadists with nice legs and upmarket accents. How did they find him? Was there some invisible sign outside his apartment that only they could read? What was the universal symbol for "For a good time, seduce and torture Fox Mulder"?"

and my favourite:

"Alex looked like an angel who'd spent the last century in some European capital of decadence, drinking absinthe and sleeping with minor poets."

If you haven't read it, do so now.
If you already read it: don't you think now'd be a good time to read it again?

The sequel is called "The Hand we were dealt" and is also very good.

x-files recs

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