H5O - Fandom Wars

May 03, 2013 18:09

So apparently Michelle Borth, the actress who plays Catherine on H5O, is involved in some sort of twitter war with people who may or may not be fans of hers or the show. Not that I care. I'm not on twitter and don't intend ever to go there. (I did, however, recently sign up for tumblr, because it's the best place ever - you stalk some people and they automatically deliver pictures of Scott Caan to your tumblr dashboard? How genius is that?)

Anyways, Michelle Borth is for some reason that nobody really cares about currently indulging in the average internet users favourite pastime - insulting random strangers. It's so nice - here I was away from fandom for almost two years, and nothing has changed. I love the internet - it is so reliable. :-)

Only Michelle is a public figure (not very public, but hey, I'm sure she'd like to be), and she's also the fictional girlfriend of the very hot and lovely Steve McGarrett, so I care.

Because now that I know this (and I swear I was only harmlessly picture-stalking Scott Cann, I didn't WANT to know about that fandom war thing), I won't be able to watch H5O without thinking about the truly appalling and STUPID behaviour of the actress who plays Catherine.

This is why I prefer not to know too much about actors.

I was ok with Catherine. Could I have lived without her? Sure. Up until recently she served no purpose other than giving the team access to technology and information they wouldn't otherwise have. Mor recently she makes Steve discover that he has feelings (though he hasn't discovered yet that those feelings are not about her...) and trust issues, which leads to reflective and angsty Steve, and I'm all for that.Considering that I'm in this for the slash, I was surprisingly ok with Catherine.

Other than that, Catherine was ok as a female character (with almost no purpose in yet another male-dominated TV show). She wasn't annoying, and that's probably the best one can say about her role (that's not even her fault).

Now? I won't be able to look at her anymore without thinking about the actress and her childish and STUPID behaviour. God, I hope she gets written off the show. I don't care about her so much as I care about my H5O viewing pleasure (and I'm rather sure that the only thing CBS cares about in that regard, sorry Michelle). Plus, it will likely lead to more angsty and sad Steve. He can be like Sad!Keanu, sitting on a bench under palms. It will be great. Danno can pick him up and give him blowjobsbeers to cheer him up.

And nobody will miss Catherine, not even the people who do not know about her crazy behaviour towards fans, because she just isn't important on the show. Sorry, Michelle, but that's the way it is. And it makes your behaviour even more stupid.

tv:hawaii 5-0

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