Talk to me - Please!

Aug 30, 2009 16:55

I am still trying to grasp why millions (maybe billions now) of us in the 21st Century world believe we need to write our thoughts and ideas down in an electronic journal (e.g. blog); or in 140 character bursts (e.g. twitter); or Txt one another (e.g. cell phones) instead of using the spoken word.  But so often I am finding myself doing all of these things instead of taking the time to talk to a friend or family member.  It seems so impersonal.  So far I have found the quickest way to contact / inform all of my friends or family members at one time, with one message is by Txt to their cell phones.  That action usually elicits one or more responses and can lead to some phone calls where I get to use the spoken word - amazing!

How do you communicate with your friends or family?

blog cell speak

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