Aug 30, 2005 14:45
I found thinspiration in what I thought was a very unlikely place. At my work, there is a girl who is about 27 years old...and when I first started working there (in November of last year) she was quite plump. And very unattractive for it. Well, lately she seems to have shrunk immensely and she recently confided in my that her hair has been falling out quite a bit and she "doesn't know why." I've been trying to pry by letting her know that hair loss can tend to happen if you lose weight too fast but she didn't take the bait. She does admit to being more careful about what she eats...but I think that there is more going on that what she is letting on. Anyway...the reason that I say that she is thinspiring for me is because she dropped about 4 or 5 dress sizes in the 9 months that I have worked with her. Although that is not insanely is still way awesome of her. So everytime I look at her it reminds me of what I can achieve if I just stick to my guns.