Sign, sign, everywhere a sign...

Jul 28, 2009 22:24

*The local cat woman is wandering the streets today with an armful of rolled-up papers, a pen, and a roll of tape. Stopping at a street corner, she looks around, unrolls one piece of paper, and tapes it to the wall. She takes out the pen and draws an arrow pointing to the right.*

Food This Way
Zhisa Khati

There! That should help. One down. Now, what other languages can I write this in...?

*She starts to draw some rather clumsy-looking runes under the arrow.*

((Someone's been asked where the food is by more than a few new residents. Question the signs? Help put them up? Tear them down? Bother the cat lady? Or just use this post to mingle and meet people? Your call.))
((*edit* The sign now has three more lines; some very clumsy Kandaskian draconic runes, and two types of script from nyathe's world.))


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