Joseph Geevarghese, executive director of the progressive group Our Revolution, said: “At the end of the day, there was a fundamental failure by the Harris campaign to acknowledge people’s economic pain. They focused on issues of democracy and reproductive rights versus adopting Bernie Sanders-style populism, which I would argue showed where the energy was within the Democratic party in 2016 and 2020.”
He adds: “It’s unfortunate because we need a populist economic left that is willing to challenge corporate power and articulate that wealthy corporations are suppressing wages. They’re sacrificing Americans in the name of corporate greed - everything from climate to our educational systems to our healthcare system. I feel like she held up Trump as a villain, but a villain who was a threat to democracy, not a villain who represented corporate oligarchic rule.”
Все это 100% верно, а теперь вопрос. Лиз Чейни и ее отец согласны с тем, что Трамп - авторитарный монстр. Заменим теперь одно слово и скажем, что Трамп - олигархический монстр. Какая будет реакция? Ответ прост - мгновенный бан Харрис и ее сторонников нa всех эккаунтах.
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