Корейский вариант в Газе

Apr 07, 2024 18:08

aljazeera: After six months of relentless attacks on Gaza, Israel remains no closer to a victory than it has been at any point since October of last year.
Whether it has plans for the enclave beyond the fighting remains unknown, while more than 33,000 people, the majority women and children lie dead.
More than 75,000 people have been injured and most of the population has been displaced.
Some 1.5 million of those displaced are sheltering in the southernmost city of Rafah, whose future remains uncertain in the face of constant Israeli bombardment and threats of a ground invasion...
Israeli forces, dramatically reduced in number from the massive deployment at the beginning of the war - with just one brigade reported to be present in southern Gaza - have struggled to gain and retain control over territory crisscrossed by unknown miles of tunnels that allow Palestinian fighters mobility and access...
Hamas fighters, aided by what appears to be a still serviceable tunnel network, which a Western intelligence official told the BBC in February seemed to have only been reduced by a third, have forced Israeli forces into a deadly chase across the enclave...
To return to Gaza in the numbers needed to prove effective would be costly. After the call-up for the initial surge into Gaza, the Israeli economy shrank by 7 percent as the war drew workers from their jobs.
Moreover, the possibility of a fresh front opening on Israel’s northern border with the Lebanon-based group, Hezbollah, with which it maintains a steady exchange of fire, remains a possibility...
Meanwhile, Gaza’s homes and life-saving infrastructure lie in ruins, with 84 percent of Gaza’s healthcare facilities damaged or destroyed, and a lack of electricity and water to operate those that remain, a report by the World Bank said earlier this month.
According to the same report, the cost of the damage inflicted on Gaza was $18.5bn, 97 percent of the combined gross domestic product (GDP) of Gaza and the occupied West Bank in 2022.
“It’s going to cost billions to rebuild,” Boaz Atzili, an associate professor at the American University in Washington, DC, said from southern Israel...
“I don’t sense any appetite for that in Israel. It’s possible that some of the Gulf countries might contribute to that, but they’re going to want to see some kind of lasting political settlement, even if that’s just a technocratic administration, first, so they don’t end up back here again.”...
In the meantime, with no way of occupying the enclave, or clear and agreed war aim in sight, Israel will have little choice but to continue its attack upon Gaza, with millions of Palestinians paying the price.

Есть сведения, что за прошедшие 6 месяцев израильтянам удалось разрушить только 1/3 построенного Хамасом подземного города. Несмотря на потери, сопротивление продолжается. По данным Хамаса, погибло 30+ тыс. человек + 75К раненых. Материальный ущерб - десятки миллиардов долларов.

Между тем, одна из основных политических задач Хамаса (и Исламского Джихада) - заблокировать договорняк между богатыми арабскими государствам с одной стороны и Израилем и США с другой. И, конечно, поддерживать уверенность мусульман в том, что в палестинских потерях виноват Израиль, а не Хамас. Без договорняка саудовцы, эмиратчики и прочие платить за восстановление Газы не станут и, что самое главное, принимать их помощь будет некому.

Хамас, Иран и израильскиe ястребы к продолжению войны до победы готовы. Численность дружественных палестинцам нейтралов в мире огромна, они есть даже в США. Произраильская аргументация для них - белый шум, а израильские потери безразличны или заслужены.

Ситуацию в Газе до 10-7 вполне можно назвать корейским вариантом по-ближневосточному с колебаниями между жесткой конфронтацией и солнечной политикой. Как минимум в ближайшие месяцы ситуация скорее всего не изменится.


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