S1 Layout #01: Walking Around Downtown

Apr 13, 2007 03:05

Ooh, lookie, I made a themed layout! This layout is for Tales of the Abyss fans, as it features Guy Cecil and Natalia Lanvaldear. I might make more layouts in the future depending on what people think. :O

(Actual layout viewable at occurrencetest)

How to Install:

  • Go to Manage > Customize
  • Click the the S1 button and click Save Changes
  • Under Look And Feel, choose Generator and switch all the tabs to that
  • In Custom Options, paste all of the overrides into the box and save



    FRIENDS_HEAD=>Friends Title



    http://user.livejournal.com/" ALT="Recent Entries">
    http://user.livejournal.com/calendar" ALT="Archive">
    http://user.livejournal.com/friends" ALT="Friends">
    http://user.livejournal.com/profile" ALT="Userinfo">

    http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n146/Yuushuka/iconpost%206/gn.png" style="display:inline;" border=0 width=800 height=500 USEMAP="#imgmap">


    LASTN_HEAD=>Journal Title



    http://user.livejournal.com/" ALT="Recent Entries">
    http://user.livejournal.com/calendar" ALT="Archive">
    http://user.livejournal.com/friends" ALT="Friends">
    http://user.livejournal.com/profile" ALT="Userinfo">

    http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n146/Yuushuka/iconpost%206/gn.png" style="display:inline;" border=0 width=800 height=500 USEMAP="#imgmap">

    DAY_HEAD=>Day Title




    %%da%% %%monlong%% %%dth%%, %%yyyy%% @ %%12h%%:%%min%%%%ampm%%



    CALENDAR_HEAD=>Calendar Title






    %%da%% %%monlong%% %%dth%%, %%yyyy%% @ %%12h%%:%%min%%%%ampm%%





    http://user.livejournal.com/" ALT="Recent Entries">
    http://user.livejournal.com/calendar" ALT="Archive">
    http://user.livejournal.com/friends" ALT="Friends">
    http://user.livejournal.com/profile" ALT="Userinfo">

    http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n146/Yuushuka/iconpost%206/gn.png" style="display:inline;" border=0 width=800 height=500 USEMAP="#imgmap">




    http://user.livejournal.com/" ALT="Recent Entries">
    http://user.livejournal.com/calendar" ALT="Archive">
    http://user.livejournal.com/friends" ALT="Friends">
    http://user.livejournal.com/profile" ALT="Userinfo">

    http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n146/Yuushuka/iconpost%206/gn.png" style="display:inline;" border=0 width=800 height=500 USEMAP="#imgmap">



    %%da%% %%monlong%% %%dth%%, %%yyyy%% @ %%12h%%:%%min%%%%ampm%%


    Rules & Notes

  • Works best with a resolution of 1024 x 768
  • Tested in Firefox, and Internet Explorer
  • Please define a website in your userinfo if you want the layout to desplay properly
  • Images can be direct linked
  • This layout is finished, and isn't really meant to be customized much. Unless you're knowledgeable of HTML, do not remove any images or mess around with any text widths, and such. You can do minor alterations, like text sizes, however. A guide of sorts is already in the layout to help you out if you need it :)
  • Please do not redistribute or claim as your own! I've put alot of work into this layout
  • Please credit if you use; paste this into your userinfo:

    Layout provided by .

    And, that's it! I'd love to hear what you guys have to say, and I hope you enjoy! :3 If you like this layout, it would be very appreciated if you friended me, so you can tell when I update next.
  • s1 layout

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