What community?
Why, Occupy the City, of course! This is a great community full of energetic, ambitious people who seem to like to write, blog, chat and connect with people. The community is all about helping members secure their financial future.
How do they do that?
They teach all of the members about internet marketing. How to do it, where to do it, when to do. They even provide 3 great companies to work with so that each member is building income streams as well. My favorite is World Health and Humanitarian Foundation. I'll tell more about this wonderful organization later! Back to the community. The community leaders work to get people interested in our group. You have to apply to join in order to keep the community functioning without problems. The leaders talk to everyone - once you are accepted, you can join any of the income streams, start learning how to market just about anything online - everything you need to set yourself up for long term financial security!
Why would they do that?
They work as a team and you know the saying about TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. Working together, with each member doing what they do best, allows everyone to promote their strengths. Everyone benefits that way!
Check it out!
Tammi's Occupy the City Page