Family crap

Aug 05, 2006 20:22

Because I'm in the middle of things and cannot interfere in the ongoings between brother and sister.... I'm going to bitch here publicly. Here is the situation:
My grandparents are in a phase of their lives where they need additional help expecially since Gpa fell and broke his hip this past may and has not fully recovered, he also has Parkinson's. My Gma has been cared for all her life, and having the roles reversed is very stressful to her (i.e. She's being bitchy) They live in a handicap apartment that my dad buildt for them ajoining to my parents house.
Long story short, they are needing a lot of care day to day especially seeing as Gpa is comming home from the nursing home tomorrow and while he is mentally ready to get the hell out, he is not physically ready to be going home, thank you medicare/medicaid whatever.
SO... back a few years earlier My aunt and uncle used to live about 10 miles down the road in Williamsburg and things were great when my grandparents were living in thier own home, My aunt and uncle got free childcare while they both worked to provide for thier bratty, i mean whiny, kids. Because who can say no to their grandkids! AND who can say no to free daycare with no payment of anykind. Then things start going down hill, Gpa has parkinson's and gma's medication changed due to the depression meds she was taking was destroying her kidneys... Who took care of them, Mom, and yes, she is a great caretaker and loves doing it, but when she went on a little weekend excursion with dad, who made sure that G&G had food, and were doing ok? Oh yeah, my mom's friends, Not that they had A SON in the area.
Anyway... few years later G&G start basicly... getting old. they begin the proccess to sell their home and move into the new addition because they are unable to live on their own. what does thier SON do? Up and move to Califorina. Oh yeah, and that's not the best part!
move to current day and why i'm pissed Mom sent him and e-mail basicly asking him what he thinks that his role will be in the care of HIS PARENTS? Mom and Dad are trying to go on a 25 year anniversary trip to Italy for a week, and it has already been postponed twice. His responce in a nutshell: Well, we're really busy and just don't see them fitting into our lives. BUT by the way her parents are having some tests run, so pray for them. (two very spry senior citizens) There is no, well let me help you out financially and help with a weeks worth of Home Heath, or what are some ways that i can help out from 3000 miles away, No, nothing like that.
So what do i have to say to him, and him directly? I hope you like your new family and I hope Karma kicks you in the ASS!!!!!!!!
P.S. Hope my cousins like being at expensive camps and private schools and i'm so sorry that your family of 4 vacation 2 states away will only be for 3-4 days.
end of rant I just needed to bitch for a moment
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