Mar 04, 2006 02:25
Everyone is asleep. I sometimes forget how quite it is out here in Brooklyn, in comparision to Manhattan. The only sounds I ever hear at night are the clinks of the radiators on opposite ends of the building.
I should be sleeping too. I have class in 7 hours. I have to leave in 6 but I just can't sleep yet. The past few days have been pretty uneventful. Lots of school work. Lots of pessimism about the future. I've spent the last two weeks being optomistic for everyone else's sake. I've been the "one day at a time" cheerleader, lately, and I'm starting to give up hope as well. I fight the "I should just go home and get a real job" and "I'm not gonna make it" remarks of my friends and classmates, and persist on with my opposing view. But, it seems like everytime I get home all I can remember is their POV. What if they're right? Blah blah blah. I'm still oddly opptomistic for someone of my nature. I still seem to think everything will work out in the end. That should really be my life motto. I say it enough.
Final Reel is a no go for me. I've somehow become public enemy #1 among my dean. I'm not sure how or when that happened but it has. Not much more I can do on the matter.
Hanging out with Laura and Marley tomorrow night I hope, if all goes according to plan. Time to force myself into some much needed sleep. Tomorrow is another day...