Oct 01, 2008 09:38
So another month, and I hoping for more progress in getting my life a little bit more sane... the real question is will that actually be accomplished. September was full of moving, and October has started with me acing an exam... I can't complain. Sure, I wasn't that happiest camper having to take it at 9am being done in 15 mins, then now having ot wait till 11:30 till class. Based on my OCD color coded planner, I have 5 exams this month (well now 4). My measurement and evaluation class is mostly likely the only exam I am truly worried about. My professor has a PhD in assessment.... she knows how to write exams and she's super picky! The rest I'm not too worried about. It's going to be another crazy month in my life, but honestly we all know that's nothing new. I should do my lab for my Kin 175 class (measurement and eval.) Take care everyone