Nov 10, 2003 08:56
this past weekend was good
me, david, and morgan went out to "camp" w/ my friends and they were being very pissy
so about 10 we left to go to morgan's house where a party was at
we stood by a fire for a while then me and david went inside to sleep b/c i had to get up early the next morning for work
i had to cut hair at work and do everything gina wanted me to do as well
when i got off work i went to a girl's house to do her hair for her homecoming dance
i went to kathryn's house to take a shower then went home and stayed there for a while until i went to david
he taught me some things that i can use when playing pool
my dad is morman
he has never, since i can remember, been active in the church, until about 2 months ago
now he has become an elder (i have no idea what that is), they told him he must bless his family and hold us higher than anything else
he is going to be holding a bigger responsibility in the church and be there more
to me they made it sound like he was suppose to act better than he has been acting in the past month
i told luann to have fun and that he was still a hipocrite
i am very annoyed