Jul 06, 2004 11:43
July 4
U.S. Independence Day. On this day, the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the official "birth" of the United States is celebrated by Pagans and non-Pagans alike. On this day, many patriotic American Wiccans honor and give thanks to Lady Liberty, and perform magickal spells and rituals for the benefit of the country.
Day of Pax. On this day in ancient times, Pax (a Roman goddess of peace and harmony, identified with the Greek goddess Concordia) was honored with feasting and revelry.
Also on this day, the spirits of the mountains are honored by the Mescalero Apache Gahan Ceremonial, while the Great God who dwells within the fire of the Sun is paid homage to by the Ute Indian tribe of Utah and Colorado, who perform an annual Sun Dance.
July 5
Every year on this date, the Aphelion of the Earth takes place. When this occurs, the planet Earth reaches the point in its orbit when it is farthest from the Sun. Many astrologers
consider this to be a highly significant event.
In ancient Egypt, this day was held sacred to Maat, the goddess who presides over truth and wisdom.
July 6
This is a day sacred to all horned goddesses of the ancient Pagan religions: the Deer Mothers, Europa, Hathor, Hera, Io, Ishtar, Isis, Juno, Luna, Nephthys, Pasiphae, Selene, and so forth.
In Spain, the annual Running of the Bulls takes place on this day. The bull symbolizes fertility and the male procreative power and is a sacred animal to Apis, Baal, Bacchus, Dionysos Zagreus, Dumuzi, Enki, Freya, Menwer, the Minotaur, Moloch, Sin, Thor and Yama.