Title: The Lost Sun
Universe: The Background
Characters: Terra Brendan, Zelus Peisinoe
Word Count: 680
Rating: G
Notes: Yes, Sax is fuzzy and has a tail. His father was an artifically made chimera, and Sax has picked up many of the physical traits. Similarly, Zell's non-human in that he looks like an (unusally pretty) human until you see below the waist - those talons of his are rather intimidating.
Summary: This morning was a bit of a break from the usual routine. Terra was awoken not by a pained yelp from the hopelessly clumsy Sax, but instead a mournful ocarina tune from the normally cheerful Zell.
Mornings were nearly always the same in this house. Sax was always the first to rise, and most of the others would soon be awake when Sax inevitably tripped over something, most likely his own feet or his tail - Sascha had never been the most coordinated of individuals. After a few bumps and pained yelps, he would leave as soon as possible in order to take advantage of the near empty streets of this hour, when few would attempt to lynch him for being covered in fur. He had a job to do, after all, though the details of said job were largely unknown to his friends.
The children that the three young adults were responsible for would have been woken up, and as such, Terra's day would begin.
This morning, however, was a break from the routine. When Terra awoke, Sax was fast asleep. Rather, it was her other room-mate who was making the noise. Terra frowned; Zell was never up this early. Sleep was something Zell had mastered, to the point where waking him up was a daily challenge usually requiring the use of physical force (and even that didn't always work). But no, this morning he was up at the crack of dawn, and playing a rather mournful tune on the pendant ocarina he always wore about his neck.
Terra clambered out of bed and stumbled over to the hole serving as a window. “Zell, what are you doing?” she yawned. “It's too early.”
Zell, sat in the dirty ground just outside the house, stopped playing and looked up at the redhead. “Well I never,” he remarked. “Of all't people, you're the one tellin' me that?”
“Yes, I am,” Terra said. “It's certainly too early for you, given that you usually don't even move until noon.” Zell laughed at this.
“Ah, shu'up, y'posh snob,” he said, with that irritating smile of his. Terra made a face. Zell was prone to giving less than desirable nicknames to his friends. The nicknames were usually rather affectionate in Zell's own weird way, but Terra particularly disliked the way he'd labelled her as a 'snob' purely because of how she spoke.
“I'm not a snob,” she said, determined to defend herself. “I'm going against the definition! I don't look down on you or anything. Even if you do speak utter nonsense.”
“Posh snob,” Zell repeated, smile turning into a teasing grin. “Y'gonna quiet down or what? Y'making a racket loud 'nough to wake half of graveyard.”
“You were the one playing that ocarina! What are you doing awake, anyway?”
Zell was quiet for a moment. Terra considered that moment to be a small miracle, given how difficult being quiet seemed to be for the young siren. “I di'n't know if y'could see the sun rise,” he said. “So I thought I'd try find out.”
That was unexpected. “And can you?”
“No. Smog's too thick.” Zell stood up and stretched. “Sky jus' lit up, tha's all.” He smiled at Terra, before heading back indoors - knowing Zell, probably to go back to bed.
Terra bit her lip, a wave of concern washing over her. It was unusual for Zell to be awake at this time, and it was just as strange for the usually cheerful siren to play such a sad tune. And suddenly, she realised she knew why - Zell's mood was similarly subdued the night before.
He had been telling a story to his nephew about a great beast that swallowed the sun. Espen had no idea what the sun was, and when Zell explained it to him he had thought it was made up, just like all the other magical and fantastic things that populated Zell's stories. The child simply couldn't grasp the idea of the sun existing, purely because he had never seen it. Even Rem, known for his honesty, could not convince him that the sun was real.
Terra sighed. She knew that people had lost their faith in a great number of things, but she never thought that a child would refuse to believe in the sun.
Edit: can't get my screenname to appear in Tags. I'm guessing a mod has to set them before we can use them maybe?