Charlotte re-imagined

Sep 10, 2007 12:41

I've just been watching the start of season 3, the ones that Charlotte was in. I never liked Charlotte, and I think most other people didn't, either. For one thing, it seemed like an awful lot of setup for very little payoff. She went to rehab, paying lots of money, and manipulated Kirsten into going to the lake house with her, all apparently so that she could ask Kirsten to invest in a post-rehab place, which Kirsten didn't have the money for anyway. So all that money and time wasted.

So how about a better "Charlotte"? I'm thinking of someone who isn't a con artist, but someone who is creepy/clingy/stalkery/psycho (kind of like Oliver, I suppose). She goes to rehab and latches onto Kirsten, thinking that they're like best friends now (I'm not thinking of slash, here). So she does what Charlotte does and manipulates Kirsten, feeding her insecurities and doubts (and adding more), putting a wedge between her and her life and family, so that she can have Kirsten all to herself.

When Kirsten finally comes to her senses and goes back home, this new Charlotte follows her and acts all stalkery: calling all the time; coming over to the house unannounced; if Kirsten does a charity event, she also works on it; if Kirsten joins yogalottes or something, Charlotte also joins; etc. Eventually it gets too creepy so Sandy/Kirsten ask her to back off and she freaks. Sandy/Kirsten need to get a retraining order against her, which she violates, and gets arrested.

You know, something like that :-)

bunny found home, season 3, charlotte morgan, kirsten cohen, au

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