The New Bike (Death to the Chino Cycle), the Watch and Missing Scenes from "The Outsider"

Apr 09, 2007 19:44

Last week we saw the choker go MIA, but this week saw the addition of new clothes for Ryan, a NEW bike to replace the battered, partially burned(?) Chino cycle and a watch for Ryan. Time to keep score as the new items appear. We know from the teaser that Ryan is very uncomfortable with all the Cohens are doing and with taking money and things from them- even basic necessities. (And how much of this is because he sees the arrangement as temporary and doomed to failure and can't believe what he'll owe- and what they will have "wasted" on him?) That leads to the following plot bunnies:

1) Where did the new bike come from and what were the circumstances? Was it given to Ryan when the guardianship became official and final? If Ryan is so reluctant to accept anything he doesn't absolutely need, how did they contrive to have him take a new bike? Was he at all attached to Chino cycle and did he have mixed feelings?

2) Where did the watch come from? There's a very old fic by crimsonclad about Ryan getting a watch. Was it an extra gift Sandy had? Again, was it related to the guardianship and was that a real occasion? Did they explain that it was a necessity so he would be punctual and something they believed he had to have for that reason? How personal did they make it or did they downplay it? Was it a challenge for them to get Ryan to take it?

3) Seth doesn't seem to know about Ryan's new shirt, so he didn't accompany Ryan and Kirsten if they went shopping. Did Kirsten go on her own, or did she take Ryan- maybe even Sandy as a buffer? Unless she traced the poor kid, wouldn't she need him at least the first time? Our lovely erynnbeth wrote one fic about this, but there's always room for more!

4) Ryan obviously has to have some kind of job interview to get hired at the Crab Shack. What happens when he explains how he came to be in Newport, his probation, where he lives, etc.? How does the manager/owner react to him? Ryan must convince him fairly easily, so this unknown person doesn't seem to be as judgemental and close-minded as others and is willing to give him a chance. Is Ryan under extra scrutiny there too?

5) What happens when he asks the Cohens for permission to have a job? Do they make the connection that Ryan is very uncomfortable taking anything from them and understand just how deep this goes and why?

6) I had thought that Ryan was calling Sandy from the hospital, but since both boys are still minors, wouldn't the cops have called the Cohens before taking statements from them? We know Ryan rode in the ambulance with Luke. Even if Seth followed in the car, they'd still need to be released to a parent or guardian. Did either of the elder Cohens jump to conclusions and blame Ryan? What was the fallout of the shooting? Either boy could have been injured- Seth even without Ryan there and Ryan once he was wrestling for control. Social Services would have been notified as would have Ryan's probation officer despite the fact that Ryan was not at fault and came to Luke's aid. That's what happens when someone is "property of the state" and has no privacy. What were those meetings like? Ryan was convinced he was "so gone- back to Chino... or worse." What happened to prevent that and to calm and reassure him?

Yep, just a few this week! All free to good homes!

bunny needs home, kirsten cohen, season 1, cohensplus1, ryan atwood, luke ward, seth cohen, missing scene, sandy cohen

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