marshalleriksen wrote in oc_icons Jun 26, 2011 17:19
summer, marissa, seth, seth/summer, ryan/marissa, ryan
how_we_fade wrote in oc_icons Mar 07, 2011 09:13
kaitlin, sandy/kirsten, olivia wilde, adam brody, anna, ben mckenzie, summer/seth/anna, julie, summer, ryan/seth, marissa, seth/summer, ryan/marissa, alex/marissa, ryan, mischa barton, theresa, seth, peter gallagher, sandy, ryan/theresa, melinda clarke, seth/anna, autumn reeser, fab four, kirsten, marissa/alex, willa holland, rachel bilson, kelly rowan, samaire armstrong
how_we_fade wrote in oc_icons Jul 09, 2010 09:01
kaitlin, mischa barton, seth, ben mckenzie, julie, jimmy, summer, marissa, oliver, tate donovan, rachel bilson, willa holland, ryan
liesl06 wrote in oc_icons Oct 05, 2009 08:28
electricpeppers wrote in oc_icons Dec 21, 2007 20:27
taylor, ryan
xunreachablesin wrote in oc_icons Nov 29, 2007 17:50
summer, ryan/seth, marissa, 1.01 the pilot, seth, ryan/marissa, ryan
how_we_fade wrote in oc_icons Nov 12, 2007 21:29
kaitlin, taylor, ryan/taylor, autumn reeser, summer, 3.11 the safe harbor, ryan, 4.06 the summer bummer
xanis wrote in oc_icons Nov 12, 2007 13:07
seth, 1.24 the proposal, 1.23 the nana, summer, marissa, seth/summer, ryan/marissa, ryan
xtaylorr22 wrote in oc_icons Nov 11, 2007 04:08
mischa barton, adam brody, seth, ben mckenzie, summer, marissa, seth/summer, ryan/marissa, rachel bilson, ryan
her_mixed_tape wrote in oc_icons Nov 10, 2007 19:55
kaitlin, anna, 1.24 the proposal, 1.03 the gamble, 1.07 the escape, 1.12 the secret, summer, marissa, seth/summer, ryan/marissa, ryan, seth, taylor, 1.10 the perfect couple, 1.08 the rescue, brad, 1.11 the homecoming, animated, rachel bilson