Apr 11, 2005 21:09
So today was a good day...I'm not hating BAE as much as I was...Steve and I had a good ol heart to heart...well as heart to heart as we can get....but I think he understands that its not my dream job and that im only doing it for the mula...which is cool....but its funny, i spent most of last quarter just absolutely hating it, and now, I just dont really mind it anymore...i mean its still a frickin tumor in my day, but eh..
Worked @ Canobie today...wasnt bad, did some office work for Ryan, and made some calls...etc...
So today was the last day of gym....ahem, excuse me "Physical Education"....damn ass holes...anyway, I start my independent study with pfeiffer tommorow and well we'll see how that works out...debating about whether or not i go to dunks in the am...driving down there in the morning is going to suck...it means i actually haveta get up early and commute my ass down there or i'll be late! oh well....he doesnt care..it amuses me...lol...anyway, in the final stretch of my senior year baby!!! woot woot!!! talked with otocka today, expressed my enthusiasm for going to keene...it should be a fun year next year! with Jess and Bermuda and Kat, and of course Nick and Robyn!!!! woot woot!!! anyway..
I wanna see Bowling for Soup again...theyre a good band...the end.