Title: Love Knows No Gender
invicem: Harry Potter RPG
Characters: Sven Reilly and William Mallory IV (and Svenette and Wilhemina)
Prompt: #47 Heart
Rating: PG for marital cuddling
Artist's Notes: Done for my Valentine's Day picture. Since Sven and Will have swapped genders (mostly by accidents) throughout the RPG, I did it as a loving each other no matter what their genders are.
Title: Unstable
invicem: Harry Potter RPG
Characters: William Mallory IV
Prompt: #11 Red
Rating: PG-13 for blood and self-mutilation
Artist's Notes: Picture is done from a scene from the Hogwarts Heirs portion of our RPG. Picture is followed by the text from the scene.
Funny how easy it was to just get lost in your thoughts. The lake
just brought back memories. Lizzie teaching him how to ice skate,
Liam throwing him in it during the winter, teaching Dru to skate...
He didn't even remember when he had taken off his shirt. Or when he
had taken out his pocket knife and started cutting the shirt to
shreds. Even though he didn't feel the cold, it was still affecting
him and a look down told him his pocket knife had come in contact with
flesh about as often as fabric. He watched a few drops of blood fall
onto the snow as he cut through the shirt again. Such a stark
contrast. He didn't even register the knife cut into his skin again
until he saw the fresh blood on it. On the knife, on his hands, on
the shirt, on the snow... unstable. They were right. After all,
wasn't he always pushing himself to the edge to see if he would fall
off? It was only a matter of time before he did fall, right? After
all, his luck couldn't hold out forever, and now with the chessboard,
and the flashbacks.. it was fine when there weren't any, but they
kept coming back worse. Didn't take a MediWizard to see that and
nothing had helped. He looked down to see the knife slicing through
flesh again and he stared at it, his hand pushing the knife. He
hadn't meant to do that..