Title: Photobooth
Universe/Fandom: The Fic
Characters: Richard and Lina
Prompt: 97) Artist's Choice
Rating: G
Artist's Notes: Just Richard and Lina being cute... I don't think you can tell, but in the first picture he's trying to lick her and she's pushing him away. And the second picture is an idea i got from my friends Jon and Amy where they took a sadface picture... and you totally can't tell Richard is trying not to laugh... but it's definitely something Lina would pull for kicks. :D
link to deviantart Title: Discomfort
Universe/Fandom: The Fic
Characters: Richard and Lina
Prompt: 49) Club
Rating: PG
Artist's Notes: Lina and Richard at a club or some kind of dance party. Now, don't get any weird ideas. They're both homebodies. But Lina, like every other girl Dane Cook has met, needs to go dancing every once in a while... so... ahahaha. I love Richard's uncomfortable face. I was experimenting with the whole lighting thing... lol. Everything i do in photoshop is pretty much experimentation, so bear with me x)
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