Apr 25, 2004 19:41
the other night i didnt sleep at kall..... MARY KATE AND ASHLEY MOVIE MARATHON!!! FUCK YAHH!!!! then at like 11:45, i went to go and work with julie on hifi. when i got home i didnt really do anything. at like 9:30ish, chris came over with his friend peter. then we went to go pick up peters gf, then went to chriss friend heathers for a little bit.. we were gunna go to this party, but by then it was alreasdy 10:30, and they had to be back at 12 for curfew. so we decided to just go to mcdoanalds.. at like 11:15, kim came and met me there.. then a few mins later, jay, nick, and sean met up with us too. after mcdonalds, kim and me went over to nicks for a while. we got back to my house at like 1:00ish. then kim was gonna sleep over, but she ended up not.
today i woke up @ around 11. i went to the market for the first time by myself!!! haha! then i went to zoes and watchted the laker game.. thank god they won.. or i would have cried... then i went with her to purchase her new furniture. now im at the schimmels house and im about to leave here in a little while...