Dearest Grant Dorrington,
Shut the fuck up. Seriously.
Your comments on page 15 of The West Australian on Monday, 13th March with regards to State Opposition Leader Matt Birney's suggestion that Multanova locations be more clearly signposted are simply an echo of what we've been telling you for years. And I quote: "Provide us with the research, not a personal opinion... that shows it changes speeders' attitudes." Your unquestioning close-minded ongoing support for a blanket Multanova campaign is deeply offensive to those of us that can see it for what it truly is; A fund-raising system with no significant supporting evidence to suggest it does anything to improve road safety in any conditions at any time. We are offended by this because you continue to blindly press the same point and in the meantime blame the ongoing road trauma on the general public instead of your failure to consider new ways and means to resolve the issue. The very definition of insanity is to continually repeat the same action and expect different results.
In fact, the overall effectiveness of speed camera technology is supported in part by another partial quotation from you yourself, "The research from England, where they trialled this, showed..."; Well, the research from England suggests they've been on the wrong track with regards to speed limit legislation and speed enforcement technology for a long time and are finally realising it [1]. Why you might choose to ignore that and selectively pay attention to the part of the research that supports your argument raises questions about the validity of the argument itself and the system it is based on as a whole.
If you were truly committed to making more than a passing influence on road trauma (so small in fact some scientists might consider it "noise" in the results), you'd start thinking outside the box instead of shovelling the same bullshit at us time and time again. Surprisingly enough, on the very same page of the paper a bloody good place to start is printed there right in front of you above the offending Multanova article. Start by campaigning harder to fix more of the murderous main roads infrastructure OR teach people how to use it properly and we'll start paying attention to your opinions.
We're more annoyed by the failure to significantly reduce road trauma than you are, and we're annoyed at you for failing to try anything new to resolve it. You're letting us down and getting people killed, and we're tired of being blamed for it.
Chris Collins
A Very Pissed Off Road User And Educated Driver
[1]. The Association of British Drivers: Speed: