Sep 20, 2003 08:16
it seems that lately all the days have been blurred together. i've been at work so much it feels like a whole month should have passed, when it's only been a week. i've spent 32 hours thus far at wal*mart this week, and 25 hours thus far at athena's. i just got home from work, i'm tired and cranky... but i need time to wind-down from 8 hours in walley world. i really like my job, it's not hard to do, it's just hard work. i've only been there a little over a week, and my boss complimented the hell out of me tonight. *bows* thank god. sometimes, i leave work feeling guilty for not getting everything done. which completely sucks, because i'm a hard worker... unlike some of the people there who "hardly work". anyhow. i realized tonight that all i have time for is work and sleep. yesterday i woke up at 4.00pm, showered, went to athena's, waited tables for 5.5 hours, changed in the bathroom, went to bp, and went to wal*mart for 8 hours. AND now i'm going to try to go to bed so i can be awake by 2.30 pm since i have to be at athena's at 3.30pm. then i'll get off around 9.00 pm, come home, change clothes, eat, and then go to wal*mart at 10.30pm. AND THEN... it's starts all over again. i work sunday at athena's from 4.00pm until 9.15 pm.. AAAAAND THEEEN i don't have to think about work again until tuesday at 5.00pm. i don't know what i'm going to do with myself from sunday at 9.15 pm until tuesday at 5.00pm. that's the most time i've had away from work in quite sometime. thank god. i can't wait. i will be sleeping a good majority of that time. i don't really care if i don't even get to hang out with any of my friends anymore (no offense to ANY of them)... but i have the big picture in mind right now. you all know my struggles with money. i now have the money to get my license back, my checking account is POSITIVE, and i've got like 50 bucks in my walley. AH HA! this is worth it. all the time i put in is sure as shit going to pay off. L.A. here i come (in about a year.. hahaha) !! THINGS ARE LOOKING UP. i just hope my friends will understand why i'm never around anymore. i still love them all. i just have things to take care of. i'm being selfish for once, and not letting anyone or anything get in my way. everything will go my way, as i plan. so watch me. take notes... and see what happens. =)