DuuUuuUuude.... I'm Sorry... DuuUuuUuude!!

Jul 25, 2003 01:50

Tuesday. What a day. I woke up about when Emily got home from work. We were planning on raging the Greyhound to Cleveland at 6.25pm. That didn't happen. What did happen was, showering... and then Emily recieving a phone call from Jimmy, the landlord.. He basically told us that we can scrap the last month of our lease and get out within 5 days. Yikes. That right there is the first sign that I will be getting heavily intoxicated. So, when all of that was said and done it was already 6.05pm and there was no WAY we were making it to the bus station. So, we got pissy and bitched A LOT. Then we figured out we could just take the next bus and make it to 80's nite right on time. So, we finished taking care of business, packing a bag, brushing teeth, etc... We left here a little before 8.00pm so there was no being late this time. We stopped at Smokers Haven, UDF, and Subway to claim that last paycheck (which I got fucked over on!). We didn't see one single bus the entire time we were running these errands. So, we went to the ATM and realized shit.. it's almost 8.15 already. Ems went to the bus stop and waited as I deposited my measly $9.69 check. We waited forever for that damn number 2. So, when it did come we were already pissed off and expected to miss our bus that left for Clevo at 8.40. Not to mention that you have to purchase your tickets 15 minutes prior to departure... So fuck fuck fuck... That damn COTA bus driver seriously drove 10mph all the way down High Street. I was fuming. Eventually, we got to City Center and decided to run like theives through the mall. I never ran so fast in my entire life. I was in a short dress with maryjanes, carrying a huge bag running from one end of the mall to the other. It must have looked ridic. So, Ems and I get to the Greyhound station... and this bum is asking if we are going to Cleveland and for $3 so he could come too. Odd. Then, there's like 3 people in line, a lady bitching about her sons ticket for 2 weeks from now... it's like "C'mon lady.. my bus should have left already.. hurry the FUCK up so we can see if we are leaving NOW or WHAT!!" So the one dude, nice guy really, lets us in front of him since his bus didn't leave for another hour. We end up getting two tickets for a bus that should have departed like 10 minutes ago, but thanks to some unruly passanger things were a little delayed. So, we board the bus and just so happens there are two seats open next to each other..AMAZING. That never happens to us. We were stoked even though we didn't get to bust for Tacos prior to the 80s nite festivities. The bus ride was long and boring, but that broad diagonal from me was keeping us entertained with her hour long cell phone converstaions. We made so many loud, obnoxious jokes about her phone conversation.. "When she was like 13, she like ran away with this like 27 year old, and when she was like 14, she got addicted to heroin, and we like commited her to a mennally insane place, in Jamaica where she like slept on this mat next to like a hospital bed..." Oh dear god... Anyhow, we got to Clevo in one piece. Then we busted out the 4 block walk to Peabody's for 80s nite. This ma friends, was an excellent evening. I drank too much to even list. I told my secret. I apologized like a million and half times, DuuuUUuuuude. I danced on stage. I tried to mosh. I spilled drank all over countless people. Somehow I made it to the car. At some point we switched cars. At some point Nate hit a skunk with Ed's car (which smelled harrible by the way). I don't really remember much at the Jochum house. I passed out, and woke up with the worst hangover in my drinking career. Then we went to Ed's, where Emi and I enjoyed a Bloody Mary to kick that headache, and Clif and Nate raged a Jack and Diet. Then we went to Chi Chi's and ate large quantities of "Tex-Mex". Afterwords, we headed to the mall which was boring so we left right quick. Went back to Nate's for napping hangouts which quickly didn't happen for me!! Oh well, shit happens. Later on Clif and I walked to 7-11 for SpAAAArks (dude) and some Rolling Rocks. On the way back, we got picked up by the Green Pile who took us out for ice cream. Not bad at all. Then I kicked a few Rocks back, went to deliver ice cream with Erik, caught two American Werewolves songs that rip (one was 'the hardest song ever'), and then went back and had a few more dranks. Blah blah blah, we went to Denny's at some given point in the late nite hours. I had some good coffee and seasoned fries with ranch. There were many many many good jokes at Denny's... 1000 Demons lyrics, I'm sorry, Dats da quickest way to get a black eye, irritated mole, E-Zizzles ice cream eating technique, the weird eye thing, the yaaaaah with the eye and lip simultaneously, etc etc etc... Then we headed back to Nate's for another sleep over. Nate and I raged hard to some AFI techno breakdowns, NFG, and mall metal. Good laughs. I couldn't get comfortable for shit, I barely fell asleep when MP420 came in and ousted us. He had somethang to take care of... ehh hump hump ehh... What do you know about Fox Targets? BULLSEYEEEEEE! Oh god. Anyhow, we went to Ed's house for awhile today. Emily and I went on 2 exercise hangouts, aka smoke breaks. Then we raged Taco Bell, picked up the new kitten (Lucy!!), dropped Clif off in Medina, and headed back to here. HELL. I hate this town more and more each and every single day. I'm pondering one LAST party at this place...could it be done? Should it be done? IT SHOULD ONLY BE DONE! Well, when we got home Aulbs was walking up to the house. Perfect timing. She came over, and apologized for things as did I. We went to Damon's to get her last paycheck and they didn't have it yet. Bullish. So we came back here watched the Insomniac Columbus episode. We caught a glimpse of Tom, Fred, and Gabe hanging at the St. James Tavern. Not bad guys, not bad at all! Blah blah blah (longest entry ever!) we went to the Dube for dinner. They have AMAZING veggie lasagna... I'll be back tomorrow for more. Aulbrie was hanging out with Jason, he pays her cell phone bill. It was good times, Jason paid for Emily and I, but didn't tip... ASS. Then we were planning on going to Larry's for a drank, but that plan got revoked. Okay, so here I am. Bored, at home, with nothing else to type. And like that... she's gone...
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