Title: 侵食 (Erosion)
Size: B5
Page: 32
Date: 02.05.2010
Artist/Circle: トオヤ, 銀色工房 (ginyirokoubou)
Rating: Safe for all ages.
toranoana Purchased from toranoana, it ended up being USD $35.45 - ugh, I hate toranoana's wire fees!
I want to buy this simply because the front cover is so A+ wonderful. Yin, the water, the flowers...beautiful. From the preview images it looks like Yin's Izanami side is going to be featured, and personally I'm a fan of Yin's 'evil' side so HURRAH IZANAMI!
edit: The front cover of this doujinshi is just so lovely and stunning. 目醒め is still my favorite doujinshi by ginyirokoubou, but this is second. Lots of Yin and Izanami moments (covers episode two of the Gaiden OVA). Also, I've got to say
this drawing from Ryuusei no Gemini ginyirokoubou's blog is incredible, the expression on Hei's face and way Yin is holding Hei is heartbreaking and beautiful...
+ Um, and guys, please don't steal ginyirokoubou's art from the blog, Japanese fan artists hate the way we Western fans disrespectfully put their images all over the web, which is why I keep the images on my blog small (apparently they don't mind small images), I've seen Japanese artists close their websites because they've been upset over what they regard as 'art theft', so...just don't do it. If they close down their websites we can't enjoy their art anymore, which is sad :(