Title: Kago no Tori 2
Size: B5
Page: 42
Date: 14.08.2004
Artist/Circle: 田島港 (Tajima Minato), タカハシ看板店 (Takahashi Kanbanten)
Rating: 18+
Purchased from yahoo japan for 3,000 yen (seller: rihiseryjk), the total USD cost after fees was 49.60 - Ekkkk!!! I hestitated before buying this because I knew it was going to be expensive...but in the end I decided to go for it because Kago no Tori doujinshi are usually expensive (they usually sell for $30-40 on eBay, but I have seen them go for as low as $20 and as high as $60), and I really want to complete the series. I have to say that from what I've observed it actually is usually cheaper to get Tajima Minato doujinshi from Western sites such as eBay because on yahoo japan they often try to sell them for crazy prices, however, it is much easier finding them on yahoo japan than eBay. I probably should have resisted and waited for a cheaper price but I've been waiting ages for a copy of volume two to turn up so...Anyway, now the only volume in the series I haven't collected is the first one, volume one, which is exciting! Kago no Tori is the only 18+ doujinshi series that I've ever made the effort to collect, in general I collect doujinshi in order to enjoy the fluff (or humour/gag), but Tajima Minato's art is stunning.
I suppose the other thing that Van/Hitomi fans might want to note is that in Kago no Tori 4 the focus is on Allen/Hitomi - the series is an Allen/Hitomi/Van triangle, it is mostly Van/Hitomi but Allen is also in the series, mainly the 4th volume. The 5th volume is the best in my opinion, and I also really love the cover of the 2nd volume. For those wary of hentai, such as myself, volume #5 has the most 'safe for all ages' content, many of the pages are not 18+. That being said, hentai haters should steer clear of this series, Tajima Minato has released a number of 'safe for all ages' doujinshi so it isn't worth picking up this series even though the art is beautiful if you strongly dislike hentai.
For anyone interested toranoana sells the Kago series, Re: E, and A Happy Ending in a format that can be
downloaded. I think they are pdf files, in my opinion it's much nicer to own the actual doujinshi but it's good to know that this option is also available.
For those who who love Van/Hitomi and really don't like 18+ doujinshi I can say that the majority of Van/Hitomi doujinshi out there are 'safe for all ages'. It's also usually pretty obvious when a Van/Hitomi doujinshi is 18+, I mean, just look at the front covers of Kago no Tori - if you see Hitomi looking like a sexy minx, then you can probably correctly assume it's an 18+ doujinshi, plus they usually have R18/Adults Only or something along those lines on the front cover ;)
The rest of the series: