So the surgery went well, and I now come equipped with 3 screws in my ankle. I'm also stocked up on percocet and juice. Strangely I'm not hungry even though I haven't eaten since midnight between Tuesday and Wednesday.
I also finished Good Omens finally a couple days ago, and it was AWESOME. FOR REALZ. If they actually follow through with Supernatural being Good Omens-esque next season I will be SO FUCKING HAPPY. But yeah, Aziraphale and Crowley are <3 and I ship them soooo hard. Goddamn slash goggles, everywhere. In my defense, they made it really hard for me not to ship it. Epic Angel who's sort of a bastard/Demon who's actually fairly nice LOVE.
Also it probably didn't help that I envisioned Zacky Vengeance as Aziraphale and Synyster Gates as Crowley. But IT MADE SENSE TO ME. At least, physical description-wise. I could see Syn and Crowley personality similarity too, actually. And, you know, just picture Zack in his nerdy gear. IT WORKS. Don't judge me!
These just fucking SCREAM Crowley to me. Fo shiz:
And of course Aziraphale:
Gratuitous cute shot that doesn't have anything to do with anything:
Mmmm hot:
And both!:
I'm srsly thinking of drawing the Avenged Sevenfold boys as the Good Omens boys. Sigh, just another thing to add to the list :P