So, I found this on Twitter "mikeyway RT @levarburton Congrats to my friends Gerard and Lindsey who are first time parents as of 2:57pm PST. Welcome Bandit Lee Way...! You are such a Blessing!!"
And besides the initial AWWWW yay! And, that baby's gonna be the fucking most beautiful human being ever!...
...srsly, Bandit? Is that for real? Cause LOLOLOLOLOL. I'd like to think that Gerard and Lindsey weren't THOSE celebrities who name their childrenz ridonkulous things, but, supposing that's for realz, wow, they so are those guys. I mean. It could be worse? But. Rly.
But now Gerard Way can give Jacoby Shaddix a run for his money in the DILF category XD
So here's the names of my future children (The ones I can remember anyway, I'll have to add as I go along):
Mr. Pizza (Me and Jen's baby)
Gerard Nero Runs With The Buffalo (I feel like he had about 10 other names, but I don't remember them. I also think this is me and Erika's baby, as this was her name idea, but I'm also not sure if I was even remotely involved.)
I feel like I should name one Rawberry.
That's all I remember, but I def had like 6 of them.