Ch-Ch-Changesssss! So sorry. But yes, I am David Bowie, just so you're all aware. And by you're all, I mean like the, what? 5 people who I'm friends with? Yes you. Hi.
Anyway, so I've decided that I'm going to try to actually post shit in this fuckin thing from time to time. If nothing else it's a place where I can rant about my TV shows that my friends kind of stopped watching! Haha.
First off, I officially love random Asian cowboy trucker, he's so awesome. LOL get your magic baby the hell away from my truck. Ando's make-baby-Matt-happy face is lolstupid. Oh Matt, I love Matt. But see, Matt and Mohinder shouldn't have split up. They were all that was left of SBAC (Super Bad Ass Club, AKA Matt, Mohinder, and Peter). I love Noah, and Sylar is such a bitch for making him sad. WTF, terrible. Way to hurt the awesome guy. I liked when they got along, sort of, kind of, for pretendzies. Even if that was in crack!season which probably shouldn't have happened.
I love Mrs. Bennett sooooo much. She's so strong, even if they made her seem weak back in the beginning of S1. However, Sylar's shapeshifting power is obnoxious. He is way too fucking powerful, especially since he doesn't even have Peter to balance him out anymore. Speaking of, they really need to fix his power, for realz. And/or tell us WTF happened to it in the first place. Anyway, Baldy's actor is good at being Sylar. Mmmmm Sylar. For some reason I ship Noah/Angela :/ just thought I'd toss that one out there.
Yes Mohinder, find Peter! Reunite SBAC! Where the fuck is Micah? He hasn't shown up since Cold Snap (?). Adult!Lilith from last week's SPN is hot with a Russian accent. Way for her to date silly Baldy. But oh plz matt, like you srsly could've killed her. You're so not a bad enough person. You're not even bad enough to kill friggin Baldy, and he's an asshole. YAYYYY HIRO! SAVE THE DAY! that was BA, no shit. And I love how he has to keep rolling people out of rooms on things. But that's also confusing cause I thought his powers were a package deal. Whatever.
Oh god Noah :( way to fuck up your marriage :( Sylar way to fuck up Noah's marriage! Fuck your face. NOAHHHH don't be saddddd. The Matt's are adorableeeeee. And again, Noah, way to also fuck up your "career" or whatever. At least now you can help people and stop being baldy's lacky. Oh good trick, Sylar. You bitch.
And next week: Awesome Hero Reunion Party at these random unmarked desert graves! Yeah! Hooray that. How many episodes are left? It can't be to horribly many. Which is upsetting, considering that's what I have as my TV fix until Supernatural decides to grace us with its presence again. Pfft.