Oct 31, 2006 23:22
there was a great man.his name was the krutz.i knew this man.for two years i journeyed with the krutz
to a terrible and dark dark dark dark place.srsly pppl this place was fucking #000000.anyhow,the krutz as i had been told happened to be a pretty fucking pro adventurer(is that how its spelled??!?!?)
he often spoke of his ridiculous mishaps in a land called azeroth.he told of vast(walking to my first SM run yeah christ man)landscapes, ferocious monsters(soo i found out about the elite dragon in duskwood........the hard way), and mighty heroes(Whadafxup gains Windfury Weapon, Whadafxup crits you for 487, Whadafxup crits you for 561, Whadafxup crits you for 512, Whadafxup's Frost Shock crits you for 687, You fail to cast Divine Shield:interrupted, You die), but on one special day he told me about one of his greatest experiences.the day he reached lvl 40 as a paladin and got a free mount.of course being a complete noob i had no idea what the fuck this meant in any real way. so i was like cool gj l2p.now i know what it means to do such thing, because today i hit level 40 and got my free fucking mount.yeah in your face noobs my shit is free,gfg 100g rofl gl /spit.it felt really fucking awesome.in fact i spent my first 30 minutes with a mount running around southshore killing horde it was fucking awesome.i was like rawr seal of righteousness,consecrate, and BAM DIVINE FAVOR + HOLY SHOCK.anyhow i dont know what ever became of this great man the krutz, but w.e thanks for all your advice and convincing me to travel to azeroth.
Sanford 40 Paladin Blackwing Lair